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Nazareth Boro Park 

Nazareth Boro Park was created in 1935. There are two 1930's constructed log cabins on the grounds. One of the cabins, situated on a picturesque hillside is the home for our summer camp. There are tennis courts, basketball courts, a beach volleyball facility, a baseball field, a softball field, swings, slides, and other playground equipment. 


A "state of the art", 9,000 square foot pool with water features, slides, competition lanes, and diving boards will greet our swimmers. The hilly, western sector of the Park contains a natural amphitheater for summer concerts, gatherings, and stage productions. 

Park Info

475 North Broad Street @ Nazareth Borough Park


Drop-off & Pick-up


Drop-off is between 8:55 – 9:10 AM each morning. Please pull up at the assigned bridge or pavilion. If there are siblings, go to the oldest siblings' drop-off! No parents have to get out of their cars and pick-up will be the same. The kids will be ready at noon and will stand waiting for your vehicle.


Kindergarten + First Graders: Drop-off for K/1 is by the concession stand of the pool by the first bridge.

Second + Third Graders: Drop-off for 2/3 is by the third bridge by the back pavilion

Fourth + Fifth + Sixth Graders: Drop off 4/5/6 will be on Morris Street (the street behind the park. Turn on Hill Street across from Schoeneck Moravian, right on Morris Street, pulling up by the bridge to drop off). 

Pick-up - Camp ends at 12:00 p.m. Pick-up is the same way. Parents and caregivers drive up and we put them in the car and the family pulls away. 

Stay-and-Plays: Pickup at 3:00 p.m.

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